About me

Hi, my name is Dylan. And I like to make cups. 😊

Back in 2017, I quit my job as an accountant and ran away to Japan in search of meaning (and to teach some English 😄). What I found instead was a small pottery studio in the town where I lived, called 御船窯 (Mifunegama).

I started hand building there occasionally, just as something to pass the time. And although my efforts were pretty desperate, I really enjoyed the mindfulness and serenity of the process and environment.

In 2019, I moved to Korea, where I eventually decided to get serious and take some wheel-throwing lessons.

After binge-watching all of Florian Gadsby‘s videos at the time, the revelation that the wheel spins in the OPPOSITE direction in Asia, and that we were throwing off the hump, took me totally off-guard… YouTube had not prepared me for this 😅

Even so, those classes were a game changer for me. Pottery became a passion. Something I wanted to learn more about, and become better at.

Then at the start of 2023, I made the decision to leave my job (and life) in Korea and pursue pottery full-time! It's been an incredible journey so far.

I've really appreciated all the support and encouragement from everyone so far. It gives me a lot of motivation to keep going ❤️